Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck” as it is commonly known, is a Surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles on the abdominal wall. This procedure can dramatically change the appearance of your abdomen and may be done in conjunction with Liposuction to the area.
The best candidates for Abdominoplasty are men or women who are in good general health, however who are affected by abdominal fatty deposits and skin laxity that won’t respond to diet or exercise. This Surgery is especially helpful in women following pregnancy where abdominal skin and musculature may have stretched to a point beyond where it can return to normal. Men and women may benefit from this procedure following weight loss, to tighten the excess skin, giving a taut appearance to the abdomen following Surgery.
Patients who intend to lose more weight should defer Surgery. Similarly, women who plan further pregnancies should wait. If you have had previous Surgery to your abdomen, you will need to discuss the effect that any scars may have on the Surgery and your ultimate outcome.
You will need to obtain a referral from your General Practitioner, regardless of whether surgery is performed for cosmetic or medical reasons.
Medical patients: If performed for medical reasons, Abdominoplasty can attract Medicare rebates. In this situation, a percentage of your Surgeon’s, Anaesthetist’s and Hospital fees may then be claimed from both Medicare and your private health fund if you have cover.
Medical patients only require one consultation with our Surgeon, where you will be assessed for suitability. In your consultation, your Surgeon will assess your individual needs based on a physical examination to determine the extent of Surgery necessary and any combinations of Surgery such as the addition of Liposuction to give you the best possible result. You will be given information regarding your Surgical procedure. Factors such as your concerns and expectations will also be discussed.
Following this consultation, you will be able to speak further with our Cosmetic Consultants, who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
Medicare Eligibility:
Criteria for medicare eligibility includes:
If following significant weight loss
- Loss of 5 Body Mass Index points, and
- Suffering from a skin condition due to excess skin (eg irritation, rashes) and have unsuccessfully tried non-surgical treatments for at least three months;
- Excess skin and/or fat interferes with daily activities; and
- Weight has been stable for at least six months.
If following pregnancy
- Abdominal muscle separation of at least 3cm – must have diagnostic imaging evidence (eg MRI);
- Regular pain or discomfort in the stomach or lower back, or bladder issues;
- Have unsuccesfully tried non-surgical treatments (physiotherapy) without results; and
- More than 12-months since pregnancy
Cosmetic patients: If performed for cosmetic reasons, you will require two consultations at our Practice. At the initial consultation, you will undertake an assessment for Body Dysmorphia, a condition causing intense focus, shame and anxiety over perceived body defects. At this appointment you will also be given the paperwork for your possible surgery and go through this with our practitioner, discussing the procedure and associated risks and recovery requirements. Be frank in your discussions and remember to mention any medications that you are taking and whether or not you are a smoker.
At your second consultation, your Surgeon will assess your individual needs based on a physical examination to determine the extent of Surgery necessary and any combinations of Surgery such as the addition of Liposuction to give you the best possible result. You will be given information regarding your Surgical procedure. Factors such as your concerns and expectations will also be discussed.
Following this consultation, you will be able to speak further with our Cosmetic Consultants, who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
Abdominoplasty is an extensive procedure and requires the use of a General Anaesthetic of approximately two to three hours in duration. It is usually required that you spend at least one to two nights as an Inpatient in a Hospital facility following this procedure. This enables your Doctor and staff to monitor your progress following the surgery.
Most commonly, a long incision is made from hip to hip, just above the pubic area. A second incision is made around the umbilicus to free the area from the surrounding tissue. The skin is then separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to the upper abdomen and excess fat removed. The muscles are then tightened by pulling them close together and suturing them with strong dissolving sutures. Liposuction is used to contour the waist and the pubic area.
All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. When performed by a qualified Plastic Surgeon, who is trained in this surgery, the risks are generally lowered. Your Surgeon will discuss risks associated with your procedure during your consultation, and this information can also be found in your Informed Consent paperwork.
Specific complications associated with this surgery include infection, which can be treated with antibiotics; haematoma (a collection of blood and serous fluid beneath the skin requiring drainage); wound breakdown; skin necrosis; pain; scarring; asymmetry; and diminished sensation due to damage of nerve fibres during the surgery. This sensation can persist for several months.
Abdominoplasty is invasive surgery and has a significant recovery timeframe and limitations and aftercare requirements. You will have an opportunity to discuss recovery expectations with your Surgeon at your Consultation and will receive detailed information prior to surgery in your Informed Consent paperwork.
You will need to organise a responsible adult carer to take care of you for at least the first week following your Surgery. This person will need to take you home from the Hospital and assist you in traveling to and from your nursing appointments, as well as assist in your general care at home.
Follow-up care and wound checks are performed by our nursing staff at our rooms on a regular basis in the post-operative stage. You will have dressings, bandages and drains on which will need to be kept in place and assessed by our team and removed when appropriate. Compression garments may be required in the post-operative period to minimise the risk of developing complications, which will be supplied by our office.
Pain may vary from mild to severe and will be managed by your Surgeon with pain relief. It is usual to experience significant pain for the first four to five days and have difficulty standing up. Swelling (which can be helped with application of ice packs), bruising and nausea is also likely. You may have trouble sleeping for the first week, which your Surgeon can provide medication for.
It may take some time to recover fully from Abdominoplasty. If you start out in top physical condition, your recovery will be faster. Some people return to work after two weeks, however, it may take up to four weeks for others depending on the job you do. A gentle walking programme may be commenced after one week, depending on how you feel. This activity may be gradually increased over time. Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four to six weeks. You are requested to obtain a clearance from your surgeon before for resuming an exercise programme. Straining of the abdomen such as in lifting or bending should be avoided in the first few weeks. For this reason, your diet should include fibre to assist in avoiding constipation.