A Labiaplasty, or Vaginoplasty/Vaginal Reconstruction, is an operation designed to reduce and reshape the excess labia minora tissue of the vagina. Women seek vaginal reconstruction surgery for multiple reasons, including discomfort and/or pain with certain activities such as prolonged sitting, cycling and sexual intercourse (Dyspareunia).
Many women experience this pain/discomfort but due to the private nature of these concerns, it is a problem that is frequently not discussed. Labiaplasty is usually carried out on the labia minora. The Labia minora is regarded as the “inner” lips on either side of the entrance to the vagina.
Labia minora elongation is a natural phenomenon which takes place over time and can be exacerbated by pregnancy and subsequent childbirths.
All patients will need a referral from your General Practitioner before your first consultation.
In some uncommon circumstances, labiaplasty surgery can be performed for medical reasons and a percentage of your Surgeon’s, Anaesthetist’s and Hospital fees may be claimed from both Medicare and your private health fund if you have cover.
More commonly, labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure. You will have two consultations at our Practice. At the initial consultation, you will undertake an assessment for Body Dysmorphia, a condition causing intense focus, shame and anxiety over perceived body defects. At this appointment you will also be given the paperwork for your possible surgery and go through this with our practitioner, discussing the procedure and associated risks and recovery requirements. Be frank in your discussions and remember to mention any medications that you are taking and whether or not you are a smoker.
At your second consultation, your Surgeon will discuss your particular needs and goals for Labiaplasty. Consultations involve a detailed discussion, an external examination, and clinical photographs.
Surgery is usually performed with a General Anaesthetic (fully asleep). Local Anaesthetic is also injected into the Labia Minora and Labia Majora to reduce bleeding and discomfort both during and following the surgery. During surgery, the excess tissue is removed from the labia minora so that they no longer protrude beyond the margin of the labia majora. Absorbable sutures are used to repair the wound, which means that they do not require removal following surgery. A change to the appearance of the vaginal area is immediate and permanent.
All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. When performed by a qualified Plastic Surgeon, who is trained in this surgery, the risks are generally lowered. Specific complications associated with this surgery in the short term include infection, which can be treated with antibiotics; wound breakdown; scarring; ingrown hairs; and common post-surgical symptoms including pain, swelling, and bruising.
Labiaplasty is invasive surgery and has a significant recovery timeframe and limitations and aftercare requirements. You will have an opportunity to discuss recovery expectations with your Surgeon at your Consultation and will receive detailed information prior to surgery in your Informed Consent paperwork.
You will need to organise a responsible adult carer to take care of you in the first three to four days following your Surgery. This person will need to take you home from the Hospital and assist you in traveling to and from your nursing appointments, as well as assist in your general care at home.
Follow-up care and wound checks are performed by our nursing staff at our rooms in the post-operative stage.
Pain and discomfort may vary from mild to severe and will be managed by your Surgeon with pain relief. Swelling should subside in one to two weeks and bruising may last up to four weeks.