A Brow Lift, or forehead lift as it is sometimes called, is a surgical procedure to tighten the skin and muscle over the forehead, thus reducing drooping eyebrows, forehead furrows and frown lines.
In many cases of heaviness or sad appearance around the eye, Brow Lift is required rather than eyelid surgery. A Brow Lift and Upper Blepharoplasty combined may be required to produce the desired results.
The best candidates for Brow Lift are men or women of any age with good general health. This procedure is most commonly performed on people from age 40 onwards, to aid in reducing the visible effects of ageing, however it can be performed at an earlier stage for treatment of inherited droopy brows and similar conditions.
A referral from your General Practitioner is required, however this procedure is not classed as a medical procedure and you will not be able to claim through Medicare or your private health fund.
You will have two consultations at our Practice. At the initial consultation, you will undertake an assessment for Body Dysmorphia, a condition causing intense focus, shame and anxiety over perceived body defects. At this appointment you will also be given the paperwork for your possible surgery and go through this with our practitioner, discussing the procedure and associated risks and recovery requirements. Be frank in your discussions and remember to mention any medications that you are taking and whether or not you are a smoker.
At your second consultation, your face and individual needs will be assessed and the options best suited to you will be discussed.
Brow Lift Surgery is performed under General Anaesthetic as Day Surgery in Hospital. In this procedure, the muscles and skin that cause the droopy brow are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the upper eyelids and minimise frown lines. This can create a more youthful and less severe look to your face and is often done in combination with other facial surgical procedures such as Facelift, Necklift, Eyelid reduction or Laser resurfacing.
All Surgery carries some risk and uncertainty. It is impossible to predict every outcome because everyone is different.
Complications in the short term include infection at the suture sites and bruising or haematoma on the brow and surrounding the eyes. You may experience some temporary numbness on the scalp and brow area and you may experience headaches and discomfort following this Surgery. These symptoms are usually transient and can be controlled with medications supplied by your Doctor.
Complications in the long term include permanent nerve damage, which can lead to droopy brow. It is also possible to have permanent numbness, asymmetry, visible scarring and hair loss. Your Surgeon will discuss these and other complications that are specific to this surgery with you during your pre-surgery consultations.
Brow Lift is invasive surgery and has a significant recovery timeframe and limitations and aftercare requirements. You will have an opportunity to discuss recovery expectations with your Surgeon at your Consultation and will receive detailed information prior to surgery in your Informed Consent paperwork.
It is important that you have someone to take care of you at home in the first few days following your surgery as you will be advised to rest and elevate your head and neck for several days postoperatively.
Bruising may appear on your forehead and around your eyes. This usually dissipates within seven to 10 days, although may persist for six to eight weeks. This bruising and swelling can be camouflaged with special make-up, which is available through our Clinic.
Pain may vary from mild to severe and will be managed by your Surgeon with pain relief. Some nausea is likely in the first 24-48 hours which can also be controlled by prescribed medication. Swelling (which can be helped with application of ice packs) and bruising is also likely. You will need to sleep with your head and shoulders elevated for one week following Surgery to assist with swelling and bruising.
You will be asked to attend our rooms on an outpatient basis to be monitored postoperatively. This will also enable us to address any problems you may have.
Most people are back to work within one to two weeks. You may resume light physical activity when you feel comfortable to do so. Vigorous exercise, straining and bending or heavy lifting should be avoided for two to three weeks.