Women have been having Breast Augmentation for many years now. Implants have gone from the original Silicone to Saline and now improved Cohesive Silicone Gel. In some instances it is medically indicated to have breast implants removed and/or replaced. In others there is no medical indication, just a personal choice regarding the type or size of the implant or a time factor in the life of the implant. Medical reasons for implant exchange include capsular contracture, implant infection, rupture of implants or implant extrusion. Due to public concern about the perceived health risks of the old silicone-gel breast implants, a number of women continue to request implant removal and exchange surgery.
You will need to obtain a referral from your General Practitioner, regardless of whether surgery is performed for cosmetic or medical reasons.
Medical patients: Implant Exchange may be considered medical for reasons including if the implants are being removed due to a rupture or capsular contracture. In this case, your surgery can attract Medicare rebates, and a percentage of your Surgeon’s, Anaesthetist’s and Hospital fees may then be claimed from both Medicare and your private health fund if you have cover.
Medical patients only require one consultation with our Surgeon, where you will be assessed for suitability. Be frank in your discussion with the Surgeon and remember to mention any relevant medical history and medications that you are taking and if you are a smoker.
Following this consultation, you will be able to speak further with our Cosmetic Consultants, who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
Cosmetic patients: Some women elect to have implants exchanged for cosmetic reasons, such as a change of size or type of implant. With the newer and safer cohesive silicone gel implants on the market, many women opt to change their saline implants over as the silicone implants are said to feel markedly more natural than saline. A recent study has shown that the average age for implant leakage is 10.1 years post insertion and for implant rupture 13 – 14 years. For this reason we advise implant replacement between 13 and 15 years for old style Liquid Gel implants.
Cosmetic patients are required to have two consultations at our Practice. At the initial consultation, you will undertake an assessment for Body Dysmorphia, a condition causing intense focus, shame and anxiety over perceived body defects. At this appointment you will also be given the paperwork for your possible surgery and go through this with our practitioner, discussing the procedure and associated risks and recovery requirements. Be frank in your discussions and remember to mention any medications that you are taking and whether or not you are a smoker.
At your second consultation, our Surgeon will assess you for surgery. If you have a breast size in mind, it is often useful to bring photographs or pictures from magazines with you to your consultation, so that your Surgeon and you have an understanding into your expectations with regard to breast size and shape. Following this consultation, you can consult further with our Cosmetic Consultants who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. When performed by a qualified Plastic Surgeon, who is trained in this surgery, the risks are generally lowered. Your Surgeon will discuss risks associated with your procedure during your consultation, and this information can also be found in your Informed Consent paperwork.
Specific risks and complications associated with Implant Exchange surgery include infection, which can be treated with antibiotics; wound breakdown; scarring; haematoma and seroma (a collection of fluid under the skin), which may require drainage; skin necrosis; nerve damage; pain; issues associated with implant gel if the implant has ruptured; pneumothorax (collapsed lung); and asymmetry. While uncommon, further surgery may be needed.
Implant Exchange is invasive surgery and has a significant recovery timeframe and limitations and aftercare requirements. You will have an opportunity to discuss recovery expectations with your Surgeon at your Consultation and will receive detailed information prior to surgery in your Informed Consent paperwork.
You will need to organise a responsible adult carer to take care of you in the first three days following your Surgery. This person will need to take you home from the Hospital and assist you in traveling to and from your nursing appointments, as well as assist in your general care at home.
Follow-up care and wound checks are performed by our nursing staff at our rooms on a regular basis in the post-operative stage. You will have dressings on which will be kept in place for up to seven days and bandages which will be applied for the first 24-48 hours. You may also have a drain on each breast to collect excess fluid. These will all be assessed by our team and removed when appropriate.
Pain may vary from mild to severe and will be managed by your Surgeon with pain relief. Swelling (which can be helped with application of ice packs), bruising and nausea is also likely. You may have trouble sleeping.
Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks following your Surgery. Gentle walking is permitted and encouraged after 24 hours in the post-operative period. You will be advised not to lift your arms above your head for the first seven – 10 days following this Surgery.