Age, combined with weight fluctuation, can cause skin excess particularly in the lower body and abdomen.
Surgery to remove excess skin around the lower trunk, buttock and outer thigh regions in a single stage is termed a “Body Lift”. If treatment of the inner thighs is required, this can be done at a second operation six weeks after the Body Lift.
The primary goal of a Body Lift is to address the body contour in patients with flaccid or loose skin as their primary problem. This procedure can be combined with some liposuction and fat re-draping to give a smoother appearance to an individual.
The Body Lift can produce a dramatic change in skin tightness or skin tone that cannot be matched by the skin retraction that occurs with superficial or deep liposuction alone.
Who is the best Candidate for Body Lift Surgery?
Body Lift is a suitable procedure for men and women of all ages who have excess skin in the abdomen, buttock and thigh region, with contour irregularity. Liposuction alone in these individuals would address contour irregularity, however produce even more excess skin with an unsatisfactory cosmetic result. Body Lift is often used in individuals who have lost large amounts of weight and whose skin has not retracted fully with the weight loss. It will correct a droopy abdomen, buttock and upper thigh region, however it must be noted that Body Lift is not a procedure for weight reduction, rather to address excess skin and contour irregularity.
If you are considering Body Lift, you can expect a considerable change in your abdominal, upper thigh and buttock regions.
You will need to obtain a referral from your General Practitioner, regardless of whether surgery is performed for cosmetic or medical reasons.
Medical patients: If performed for medical reasons, a Body Lift can attract Medicare rebates. A percentage of your Surgeon’s, Anaesthetist’s and Hospital fees may then be claimed from both Medicare and your private health fund if you have cover.
Criteria for medicare eligibility includes:
- Loss of a significant amount of weight (5 Body Mass Index points) and
- Suffering from a skin conditino due to excess skin (eg irritation, rashes) and have unsuccessfully tried non-surgical treatments for at least three months;
- Excess skin and/or fat interferes with daily activities; and
- Weight has been stable for at least six months.
Medical patients only require one consultation, where you will be assessed for suitability based on your individual needs, expectations, suitability and your body and skin structure. Be frank in your discussion and remember to mention any relevant medical history and medications that you are taking and if you are a smoker.
Following this consultation, you will be able to speak further with our Cosmetic Consultants, who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
Cosmetic patients: If performed for cosmetic reasons, you will require two consultations at our Practice. At the initial consultation, you will undertake an assessment for Body Dysmorphia, a condition causing intense focus, shame and anxiety over perceived body defects. At this appointment you will also be given the paperwork for your possible surgery and go through this with our practitioner, discussing the procedure and associated risks and recovery requirements. Be frank in your discussions and remember to mention any medications that you are taking and whether or not you are a smoker.
At your second consultation, your Surgeon will assess you for surgery based on your individual needs, expectations, suitability and your body and skin structure. Following this consultation, you will be able to speak further with our Cosmetic Consultants, who are very experienced in the cosmetic field and discuss any issues with them.
The Body Lift procedure is several surgical techniques merged into a single procedure. The aim of the procedure is to reattach the superficial fascial tissues to bony structures, thus lifting the underlying structures. The skin and outer layers of tissue can then be elevated, excess skin excised and a more contour efficient result produced. This procedure may be combined with Liposuction for an enhanced contouring.
All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. When performed by a qualified Plastic Surgeon, who is trained in this surgery, the risks are generally lowered. Your Surgeon will discuss risks associated with your procedure during your consultation, and this information can also be found in your Informed Consent paperwork.
Specific risks and complications associated with Body Lift surgery include infection, which can be treated with antibiotics; wound breakdown; scarring; haematoma (a collection of fluid under the skin), which may require drainage; skin necrosis; nerve loss; pain; and asymmetry. While uncommon, further surgery may be needed, such as drainage of haematoma, scar revision, or treatment of unforeseeable complications.
AFTER SURGERY – recovery
Body Lift is invasive surgery and has a significant recovery timeframe and limitations and aftercare requirements. You will have an opportunity to discuss recovery expectations with your Surgeon at your Consultation and will receive detailed information prior to surgery in your Informed Consent paperwork.
You will need to organise a responsible adult carer to take care of you in the first one to two weeks following your Surgery. This person will need to take you home from the Hospital and assist you in traveling to and from your nursing appointments, as well as assist in your general care at home.
Follow-up care and wound checks are performed by our nursing staff at our rooms on a regular basis in the post-operative stage. You will have drains near the incision line on either side, both front and back and will be assessed by your Surgeon and nursing staff for removal. Bandages and pads will be on for the first 24 hours and will be removed or changed by Nursing staff. Dressings must be kept dry until told otherwise.
Following your procedure your pain may vary from moderate to severe and will be managed by painkillers prescribed by your Surgeon. This is likely to be most severe for the first four to five days and you may have difficulty standing up. Your abdomen, buttocks and thighs will be swollen and bruised in the post-operative period. The degree of bruising will vary from mild to severe. You may also have significant nausea and trouble sleeping, both of which can be medically treated.
A carer will be needed in the first week to two weeks once you are discharged – for transport, medication management as well as your general care. You will not be able to lift or strain at all for at least four to six weeks and should wait for clearance from your Surgeon before resuming exercise programmes.
A supportive girdle may be supplied by our office if required. This may need to be worn for six weeks post-operatively.